Tuesday, December 14, 2010

stormy stormy

The wind and hail and rain and thunder woke me last night.  It lasted all night long.  Brent leaves for work by 6:20, and soon after I got a phone call.  He'd locked his keys in his car at the gas station on post.  So I yanked the kids from each of their beds (thankfully Mercedes was already awake) and we braved the storm.  Pitch black, foggy windows and POUNDING rain.  I'm just not used to weather, I guess.  Brent was worried that since he was parked in front of the gas pump, his car would be towed.  Luckily, the tow didn't arrive before we did.  

I'd planned a big grocery trip to Trader Joe's for this morning, but decided on our way home to stop at Safeway and run in while I could leave the kids locked in the car (in Mercedes' care).  Sure that so far from home and early in the morning (7:30 by now but still pitch black outside) I wouldn't see anyone I knew, I ran in for some milk, bananas and cheese (the three things I didn't want to wait until Wednesday to get).  I was doing fine until I got into line for the one open register and discovered that I was behind my Relief Society president, and the casher was Cooper's Sunbeam teacher!  At least I was wearing a bra, right?

As soon as we pulled into our driveway the rain stopped.  The sun even burst through for a bit.  I was beating myself up for not just waiting to do my shopping later (I'd been trying to avoid taking the boys out in the pouring rain).  Now, though, I'm glad.  The rain stopped for a very short two hours and it's now dark and windy and VERY WET outside.  

This place is gorgeous and I love living here, but I still look forward to the day when we will (hopefully) live on the Southern California Coast, weather-free.

a 4th birthday

"I'm FOUR years old!  I'm FOUR years old!" - this is what Coop was heard shouting from the rooftop yesterday morning.  

And suddenly he does seem older.  He only wears diapers to bed.  We've just learned to accept the accidents as they come.  

Coop's friend Tanner came over to play the morning of his birthday.  They had a blast screaming and running from Lincoln, who was "it".  

Every 15 minutes or so Coop would ask, "Is it time for my cake yet?"  

We were done with our dinner of whole wheat waffles topped with blueberries and maple syrup by 5:00.  We had the shortest Family Night lesson in history and opened presents.  The silly bands were definitely a hit.  Now he's playing on the floor next to me with a new watch on one wrist (a mickey mouse one given to coop by our neighbor), and about a million superhero silly bands on the other.  

And finally... the cake.  Brent likes to be in charge of desserts, and chose to make a confetti bundt cake covered with whipped cream (we drizzled strawberry sauce on each piece - yum).  I was tasked with finding the decorations for the cake.  Mercedes and I found a tiny Buzz and Woody to put on either side of his Toy Story Alien candle.  

After a call from each of his grandparents, Coop and the rest of us settled in to watch Toy Story 3 (one of his gifts).  Pictures will come... at some point.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Autumn passed too quickly here.  

It was beautiful, though.  

We enjoyed vacations from the gray rain by riding our bikes and playing in the leaves.  

I'm looking forward to next year, reminding myself that the dreary wet days will pass.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

all i want for christmas

is my two front teeth

Mercedes after losing her first tooth.

So... some people have asked us what we want for Christmas.  

Does anyone else not like being asked this question?  

Of course, I ask it of others because I want to know what they want and I want to give them gifts.

So here is our family Christmas Wish List:

First of all, what we want most is to be able to spend as much time as possible with each of our friends and family.  Really.  This is what will bring us the most joy and fulfillment.  We miss all of you so very much.  

Since we are working toward paying down all of our student loans in the next few years, we don't have much extra cash to spend this Christmas.  We'd be most comfortable with no one spending any money on us.

Beyond that, we do (of course) have some needs and wants...

  • Brent:  He needs a belt (he's lost his brown or black one, but I don't remember which - I'll ask).  He'd also like the new President Monson Bio.  He's into cooking challenges lately, so a really detailed recipe book would be fun for him (like the Williams-Sonoma one that's at Costco right now).  Our Mac mouse died a few years ago, and it'd be great to have a new one. He likes movies like:  Iron Man and Sorcerer's Apprentice.  But mostly, he just doesn't want anyone to spend any money.  That'd make him the happiest.

  • Lisa:  Some alone time with Brent would be wonderful.  So if anyone wants to watch the "monsters" for a few hours... that's my biggest wish.  I'd like to learn about Yoga, and am saving up to take a class here - so a book about the subject or some $ to go toward my goal would be great.  We still don't have a flag for our flagpole.  And I'm always excited about itunes gift cards.  Or Costco.  Or Target.  This may be shocking news, but I love to shop.

  • Mercedes:  Is in need of some white ankle socks.  She wears a size 2/3 shoe.  She's into silly bands.  She just got her ears pierced, but with her sensitive skin will probably only be able to wear 14 karat gold studs.  Also, she doesn't yet have a gymnastics leo.  They're pretty pricey, though.  She doesn't need new shoes, but desperately wants a pair of Ugg-type boots.  Size 3.  

  • Cooper:  Wants some silly bands of his own.  He needs some white ankle socks.  He wears a Size 9 shoe, I think.  It's gotten VERY cold here, and some mittens and/or a ski hat would be well-used (he wears a size 4/5).  He likes automobiles, trains, and dinosaurs - and especially loves books about them.  He'd probably have fun with a new puzzle.  He just told me that he wants a boy doggie.

  • Lincoln:  Also loves automobiles, trains, dinosaurs and books.  He loves to play ball.  He also needs some mittens and a hat.  He wears a size 2.  Both Coop and Link have grown out of their warm coats.
So there you are.  

By the way, we're pretty excited for Christmas.  We can't wait to see Grandma and Grandpa and Gram and Grandpa and Chris and Kevin and Annmarie and Gerratt and Nietra and Avery and Kimball and Britton and Aiden and Liam and Suzannie and Dave and Sarah Kaye and Gaba and Brianne and Rowena and Aiden Eccles and Great-Grandma and Randy and Lorraine and Rebecca and Rachel and Natalie.  And the snow.