Tuesday, April 26, 2011

from the mouths of babes

Cooper to Brent during church on Sunday: "Can I get some help here?"

Lincoln (yelling) during church: "Wet's gooooo!  I want to weeeaave!!!"

Lincoln to Brent this evening:  "Daddy - you poop."  After which he stuck his nose in Brent's bum.

Mercedes: "Why is everyone being so mean to me today?  I was trying so hard to be good and have a good day and everyone is just being mean for no reason!"

Cooper in response to my question of "why did you poo in your pants?" was: "because I waited too long to go to the bathroom?"

Cooper: "BOBO FACE!!!  ha ha ha ha ha!!"  
Me: "Where did you learn that word?"  
Cooper:  "I made it up!"

Lincoln with his face 1/2 inch from mine: "Mom-meee!!!  Dad-deeee's home!!!! Yay!!!"

Mercedes:  "Mommy, you're the nicest person ever."

Cooper: "You're the meanest mommy ever."

Lincoln after Cooper was put in timeout in the "high-spot" (a place he doesn't try to escape from):  "Poopah ah ah ah ah timeout ah ah ah high-pot?"

Mercedes: "That isn't FAIR! I NEVER get to watch my movie at movie-night.  Cooper ALWAYS gets to pick it."  (He picks 5% of the time).

Cooper: "Mommy, I love you."

Lincoln:  "NOOOOOO!!!!!  Go AWAY!  Leave me ALONE!" - after waking up from a nap.

Cooper: "Don't TALK to me!"

Have I ever mentioned that we're a very loud bunch?
Most of our speaking would be considered yelling by normal people.

I blame it on the percentage of hearing I lost from repeated ear infections as a child.
My mom used to always say, "Lisa - we're all in the same room."
Now I say that to my kids.

But its likely that we're just plain loud.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

leave it to cooper

Last May in their Easter fancies. 

With an eight year old, a four year old, and a 2 year old, family scripture study and prayer time is an exciting time in our house.  It's never dull.  It's never the same, and it's never reverent.

Tonight after a chapter of 2nd Nephi (of which I could only hear the verses that I read aloud), we finally settled the kids down and prepared them for family prayer by singing a song about temples.

After that, I made a big announcement:

"Kids, tomorrow during Sacrament Meeting there will be:
NO snacks,
NO toys,
NO coloring,
NOTHING to eat.

"Buy why?"  was of course their response.

"Because we are going to follow the great example of your cousins and learn to be reverent in church."

"OK Mommy!"  They replied.

Our kids are like Pavlov's dogs when they get to church.
They sit down and Lincoln immediately begins yelling,

But recently our wonderful Bishop asked us to refrain from eating in the church (other than in specified eating areas like the kitchen and cultural hall).

At the time I thought:

"yeah right!!!
Are you kidding me?
We're barely making it through an hour of
Sacrament meeting as it is with these two boys.
How do you expect us to keep them
(even relatively) quiet and occupied???!!!"

Last week I was very humbled when we attended a Sacrament meeting in Utah with Brent's family.  His brother and wife have FIVE children who sat reverently through the meeting without one toy or snack.  They might disagree when I say that their kids are by nature more tame and well-mannered than ours.  

The truth is that while they might be a bit more tame by nature, their good manners are a result of GREAT parenting.  So we're determined to follow their great example.  

I'm expecting the transition to take a few months, at least.
Our kids have been trained to EXPECT food at church.  

So when the kids seemed to take the news so casually I pressed:
"do you understand that there will not be ANY food during church?
You will eat before we go to church and will not eat again until we get home."

To which Cooper (just like his daddy) replied,
"Yes (in a yeah-huh know it all voice) we'll have a snack!"

I said, "No Coop, we won't."

He said, "we always have two prayers and then a snack."

"Two prayers?"

"Yes.  We have two prayers and then we have bread!"

Parenting can be tough at times, but I've never done anything that's brought me more joy.

I hope that our kids will always make us laugh.

cooper's dream come true

Cooper's Grandpa B. drives a Loader.  
The coolest job ever!!!
During our visit, he took the boys to work.
Cooper will remember the day FOREVER.

Lincoln wasn't as excited.
He ended up taking a nap while Coop drove.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

part three

Tea party on the deck with Gabba and Rowena.

mmmmm..... cream puffs.

Womanizer on the Wii - she was singing "ooomanizer oomanizer" and doing the dance for the rest of the day.
 Even in the grocery store.

Who Let The Dogs Out?

WHO?  WHO? WHO?!!!

Time out in the "high spot."


These are our sqishy faces.

spring break, part two

Last Sunday was spent with "the cousins."  

After a yummy meal at Gram's house (the first grilled burgers of the summer!), we ventured into the sunny and muddy outdoors to get the wiggles out.  The kids played tag in a vacant (and muddy) lot across the street.


Lincoln is not used to the sun.  Poor kid!  Every time we went outside he covered his eyes.

Britton, Kimball, Mercedes and Avery - the big kids.


Liam and Brit.

Aiden and Liam.
Cooper was sooo jealous of Aiden's shirt.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

spring break, part one

We had TOO much fun in Utah with family for spring break this year.

Today after school (her first day back since the break) Mercedes was disgusted that she didn't get to go somewhere "special."  A walk around the block (which is all that we had time for) was just too ordinary.  

It always takes a while for the kids to "re-adjust" after the grandparents do all their "spoiling."

We are happy to be back in our home, but we miss family already!  

Last night Mercedes offered our family prayer and it went something like this: "please bless grandma and grandpa that they'll be ok (she's worried about them being on their own again, I think) and please bless us that the time will pass really fast until we can see them again, and that Gram will come to visit us soon...

This morning her prayer sounded quite similar.  

She's just heartbroken to be away from grandparents.  

She cried herself to sleep last night sobbing, "I want graaaannndmaaaaa!"

Mercedes and Coop on the Carousel at the new Provo Beach Resort.

Grandpa B helping Linc with his mini-croquet swing.

Arrrgggghhh, mee hardees!
Coop at Pirate Island.

We love this picture of Gram and Lincoln.  

Uncle Kevin loves Linc's shades.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We wanted to surprise the grandparents with current pictures of the kids....

Mercedes Elise

Lincoln Maxwell


Cooper Alan


Oh so much fun!

Pulling teeth is actually MUCH easier than getting a "happy" picture of Lincoln.  We've been passing the flu back and forth between me and coop and linc, and maybe he still isn't feeling great.  But then, he seemed pretty happy for the rest of the day.  I think that he just has something against photographers who aren't named "mommy" or "daddy".  Do you think that he'll be more cooperative when he's three?  We sure hope so.
