Sunday, February 3, 2013

monkeys and bananas

This morning Lincoln was fascinated by the vein in my hand. 
 I told him that there was blood in it, and he tried to "listen to the blood."  
Alas, he did not hear anything.

Brent advised him to put his head on my chest, so that he could hear my heart pumping blood.
"Did you hear mommy's heart beating?"
"Yes.  I hear-ed it."
"What did it sound like?"
"It sounded like bananas or monkeys."
"What do bananas sound like?"
"That's what mommy's heart sounds like?"

Thank you Doctor four year old.

Friday, February 1, 2013

more Christmas 2012

Playing the Wii with Gram.
The best part of Christmas this year was definitely having Gram and Grandpa B with us.

About to open Christmas Eve jammies from Grandma.

Lincoln named his giant pillow pet "Mr. Chum-Chum."
It's pretty amusing to watch him lug the giant monkey up and down the stairs.
It takes up half of his bed at night.

Cooper's elephant (which Brent named "phanty"),d and stocking.

An embarrassment of riches.

The power went out right before we called the kids down 
(and right after I'd turned the oven on to pre-heat for breakfast). 
 We opened gifts by candlelight and snapped a few pictures once the sun came up.
Then Grandpa B and Gram treated us to breakfast at IHOP 
(one of the few restaurants open on Christmas morning).  
I've wanted another cup of gingerbread hot cocoa ever since.
We got home around 11 and - hallelujah! - the power was back on!!!  
So we finally cooked breakfast (overnight french toast - yum!) and served it for lunch.

it's the most wonderful time... of 2012

Christmas crafts.

Copying Daddy.

Ornaments made by my Grandmother Allphin and Grandmother Clark.

Birthday Card from M.
So sweet.


Brent helped the kids to make 3 snow-people: a Mercedes, a Cooper, and a Lincoln.After which, Lincoln destroyed them with a plastic bat.

This wet snow is great for making "things."
I remember when I lived in humid Michigan, we used to make snow forts at recess.
We don't get quite enough snow for that here.
It was all melted by afternoon, but Lincoln had fun while it was on the ground!
He was ready to go out there before sunrise (which isn't too early here).
Poor guy froze his hands off with "yarn" gloves, but he stayed out the longest of the three.
Brent was working a half-day (his version of Christmas break).
I just leaned out the sliding door to take pictures - the California girl in me means that I DO NOT play in snow without the proper attire (because I will FREEZE to death).

6th birthday

Race Cars from Grandma and Grandpa.

Stencils and a SuperMarioBros. Wii game from Gram and Grandpa.
An Avengers airplane from mom and dad.  
Basketball shoes from M and L.

"Skateboard" rainbow cupcakes.  

He REALLY wanted cupcakes with Spiderman rings on top.  
He'd seen them once in a grocery store.  
Unfortunately... I couldn't find ANY spiderman/superhero party favors that 
would work as cupcake toppers.  
Luckily (whew!) he approved of the mini-skateboards.

10th birthday... in pictures

We don't have any pictures of her opening her gifts - rrrr!
But we had lots of fun.  This is M posing in her outfit from Grandma.  
I guess the 80s are back?

Brent got off early, and being the day before Thanksgiving the kids only had a 1/2 day of school.
We took a trip to Nordstrom and she picked out a pair of Tom's... I didn't dare pick them out for her.
Then we went out for Mud Pie at a local restaurant.  
It seemed like a good idea in my head... but we probably won't take the boys to share a dessert in a nice restaurant again anytime soon!  Still, the best part was no left-over cake for the next week.  

all i want...

C lost his front FOUR teeth just in time for his 6th birthday.  
Watching him eat is pretty funny.  
He bites his apples with his back teeth.  Poor guy!

worker bees

Fall gives us a great way to teach our kids to work.  
Cooper loves to make big piles.  
Lincoln mostly plays around.

The best part of raking leaves is jumping in the big piles - the payoff for all of the work!