Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a month in pictures

Yumola Fruit Pizza for my birthday.

Mercedes and Daddy just before her baptism on December 18th.

Christmas Morning.  No rest for the wicked.

It's a Bethers' family tradition: the pinata.
Maybe if we had one of these at home our
kids would hit each other less often?

Uncle Chris and Mercedes, baptism morning.
They love each other.

Birthday Boy is FOUR years old!  December 13th.

Brent got creative with the cake.
It's a "funfetti" baked in a bundt pan,
topped with whipped cream
and some Toy Story characters.

Coop and cousin Britton sledding in Midway.

Suzannie and David, aren't they cute?

Gram and Grandpa Bethers.

Kimball, giving it his all.

Lincoln is spoiled again.
He spent most of his time in Utah glued to Grandpa.
Now he thinks that I should hold him all day and night.
Thanks alot, Dad.

Lincoln had more fun playing with Coop's birthday cake
than he did eating it.

A live Nativity is an Allphin family tradition.
This year Mercedes got to play Mary.

The whole Bethers clan.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

we're back!

We had a blast in Utah, but we're happy to be back home again.

We've got lots of pics to share... just as soon as we upload them :).  

Here's a plug for Discount Tire:  We bought new rims and tires in mid-December, just in time to drive to Utah and back.  (Our old rims were chrome and failing - ugh.)  This morning Brent noticed that one of the rear tires was almost flat.  He immediately took the Yukon back to Discount for service.  Turns out there was a CHUNK of CHAIN in the tire, but since it's been less than a month since we bought the tire, they replaced it free of charge!  

And now a plug for Target:  We bought Mercedes a new coat for Christmas, just in time to go tubing with her cousins.  The second day she wore it, however, the zipper broke off completely.  I hadn't kept the receipt, of course.  I took it back today and they looked it up with the card I'd purchased it with!  Yay!  I love good customer service policies.  I probably won't buy another Target coat, but I'm happy that I got my money back!  

Mercedes had so much fun in Utah, that she had a "fun hangover" this week.  She was too sick for school on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Brent and I think it had something to do with large amounts of sugar and small amounts of sleep.  She's feeling like herself again.  In fact, she's happy to have her pink room all to herself!  

We finally have a "girls" room and a "boys" room.  This really just means that Cooper and Mercedes are no longer sleeping in the same room.  We moved the bunk beds into Lincoln's room and the boys are still in the process of adjusting to the new arrangement.  To me, life feels infinitely more organized; boys toys in they boys' room and girls toys in Mercedes' room.  Since Brent threw away our "guard-rail" this summer, we just put Lincoln on the top bunk.  He doesn't much like being put in his bed (he's to the stage where he just wants to be glued to mommy), but they sleep well in there!  Cooper likes being on the bottom again.  

Our family's new year resolution?  NO YELLING OR FIGHTING!!!  Of course we still yell with joy or glee or excitement.  Just no more venom.  The consequence of violating this rule is a date with daddy (who will fill the offender's mouth with soap).  So far, just the threat has had a great effect.  I can see the kids working really hard not to yell or talk mean to each other or to us.